

Words — 42 found

にほんごがくしゃ 日本語学者
1. Japanese language specialist; linguist specializing in Japanese
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1. disaster relief specialist; disaster preparedness expert
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1. ace up one's sleeve; trump cardSee also 奥の手 おくのて
2. basic melody (esp. on koto and shamisen)Music
3. proper move (in go, shogi, etc.); appropriate move
4. expert; professional; specialist; master
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せんもん 専門
1. specialist maker (of); specialized manufacturer; manufacturer specializing in ...
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1. payload specialist
Other forms
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1. food specialist; meal advisorWasei, word made in Japan, From English “food coordinator”. Wasei (word made in Japan)
Other forms
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1. renovation specialistWasei, word made in Japan, From English “reform instructor”. Wasei (word made in Japan)
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1. fatwa; legal pronouncement in Islam, issued by a religious law specialist on a specific issueFrom Arabic “fatwa”
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1. instructor; guide
2. specialist in making diagrams, charts, etc.Historical term
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1. person responsible for creating a favorable image for a campaign, product, or candidate; public relations specialist; PR consultantWasei, word made in Japan, From English “image maker”. Wasei (word made in Japan)
Other forms
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Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
1. to show; to display
  • あなた
  • なん
  • まい
  • しゃしん写真
  • 見せ
  • ましょう
I will show you some pictures.
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
2. to make (something or someone) look ...; to present an appearance of ...
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
3. to make (something) worth watching; to be entertaining
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
4. to have (something) looked at (by a specialist); to have (an antique, etc.) appraised
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
5. to have (an injury, person, etc.) looked at (by a doctor); to take (someone) to a doctoralso written as 診せる
  • いし石にかじりついても
  • せいこう成功
  • して
  • みせる
I will succeed at any cost.
Auxiliary verb, Ichidan verb
6. to make a show of (doing); to do in a conspicuous manner; to do in view of othersafter the -te form of a verb
Auxiliary verb, Ichidan verb
7. to resolve to do; to do at any cost; to show others that one will ...after the -te form of a verb
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1. technical term; (specialist) terminology; jargon
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こうやのしろばかま 紺屋の白袴
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. the shoemaker's children go barefoot; specialists often fail to apply their skills to themselves; the dyer's white hakamaIdiomatic expression
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. every man knows his own business best; one should go to specialists for the best results; for rice cakes, (go to) the rice cake shopProverb, See also
Other forms
もちはもち屋 【もちはもちや】モチはモチ屋 【モチはモチや】
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