

Words — 62 found

1. doll; puppet; marionette
2. puppet (person under the control of another); straw man; yes-man
3. Ningyou
Wikipedia definition
4. DollA doll is a model of a human being, often used as a toy f... Read more
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1. puppet; marionette
Other forms
操人形 【あやつりにんぎょう】
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Noun
1. doll; puppet
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Noun
2. blockhead; idiot; useless person; good-for-nothing
  • かれ
  • でくのぼうでくの坊
  • すぎない
He is no better than a fool.
Other forms
でくの坊 【でくのぼう】
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1. puppet; marionette; dummy
2. puppeteer
3. prostituteArchaic, Only applies to くぐつ
Other forms
傀儡 【くぐつ】
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1. puppet
Wikipedia definition
2. PuppetA puppet is an inanimate object or representational figur... Read more
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. robot
2. (mere) puppet; pawn; figurehead
Wikipedia definition
3. RobotA robot is a mechanical or virtual intelligent agent that... Read more
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1. puppet operator; puppet manipulator; puppeteerSee also 使い つかい
Other forms
人形使い 【にんぎょうづかい】人形遣い 【にんぎょうつかい】人形遣い 【にんぎょうづかい】
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1. puppet government; puppet regimeYojijukugo (four character compound)
Wikipedia definition
2. Puppet stateA puppet state (also known as puppet government or marion... Read more
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1. bunraku; Japanese puppet theatre (theater)
Wikipedia definition
2. Bunraku, also known as Ningyō jōruri (人形浄瑠璃), is a form of tradi... Read more
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1. wooden doll; wooden figure
2. puppetOnly applies to でく
3. blockhead; good-for-nothing; foolOnly applies to でく, See also 木偶の坊
Other forms
木偶 【もくぐう】木偶 【ぼくぐう】
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Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
1. to operate (e.g. a machine); to handle; to manage; to control; to maneuver; to steer
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
2. to have a good command of (a language); to play proficiently (of a musical instrument)
  • あの
  • つうやく通訳
  • か国語
  • じゆう自由に
  • あやつ操る
That interpreter is a master of five languages.
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
3. to work (a puppet); to pull the strings of a puppet
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
4. to manipulate (a person, public opinion, etc.); to pull the strings; to control from the shadows; to mastermind
  • もう儲けよう
  • とする
  • とうきすじ投機筋
  • あやつ操られている
  • のです
It's being manipulated by investors trying to make it rich.
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にんぎょうじょう 人形浄瑠璃
1. Japanese puppet theatre in which recited narrative and dialog is accompanied by a shamisen (forerunner of bunraku)See also 浄瑠璃, See also 文楽
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1. puppet show
Wikipedia definition
2. PuppetryPuppetry is a form of theatre or performance that involve... Read more
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1. puppeteer; puppet player
2. wirepuller; string-puller; man behind the scenesOnly applies to かいらいし
Other forms
傀儡師 【くぐつし】傀儡子 【くぐつし】
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1. puppet powered by (falling) water; water-powered contrivance; show using such a device (in Edo-period Osaka)
Other forms
水絡繰り 【みずからくり】水絡繰 【みずからくり】
水絡繰: Irregular okurigana usage.
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Sentences — 1 found

  • 155598
    • わたし
    • すうき数奇な
    • うんめい運命
    • もてあそばれて
    • きた
    I have lived a life of a puppet of fortune. Tatoeba
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Names — 1 found

パペットマスターツー 【パペットマスター2】
Unclassified name
1. Puppet Master 2 (film)