Words — 171 found
1. a wonder lasts but nine days; gossip lasts just 75 daysProverb
人の噂も七十五日 【ひとのうわさもななじゅうごにち】、人の噂も75日 【ひとのうわさもしちじゅうごにち】、人の噂も75日 【ひとのうわさもななじゅうごにち】
1. Society for the Propagation of the GospelOrganization name
2. Society for the Propagation of the Gospel
1. gossip; chatter
1. gossip; talk about town
1. rumour; rumor; gossip
1. Islamic holy books (the Pentateuch, the Book of Psalms, the Gospels and the Koran)
1. small talk; gossip
2. spoken language; colloquial expression
1. five generations
2. fifth generation immigrant; gosei
3. the fifth (e.g. George V)