

Words — 64 found

Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
1. ethnic; racial; national
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Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun
1. ethnic
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. people; race; nation; ethnic group; ethnos
Wikipedia definition
2. Ethnic groupAn ethnic group is a group of people who share a common e... Read more
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Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. ethnic; racial
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1. race; tribe; ethnic group
  • その
  • しま
  • には
  • みかい未開
  • しゅぞく種族
  • いる
There are still some savage tribes on that island.
2. species; genus; family
  • とら
  • しょうめつ消滅
  • かかっている
  • しゅぞく種族
  • である
The tiger is a vanishing species.
3. stellar population (i.e. population I, II and III)Astronomy
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1. minority ethnic group; ethnic minority; minority race
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1. ethnic conflict
Wikipedia definition
2. Ethnic conflictAn ethnic conflict or ethnic war is a conflict between et... Read more
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Noun, Suru verb
1. ethnic cleansing
Wikipedia definition
2. Ethnic cleansingEthnic cleansing is a purposeful policy designed by one e... Read more
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1. ethnic religion
Wikipedia definition
2. Ethnic religionEthnic religion may include officially sanctioned and org... Read more
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みんぞくじょうしゅ 民族至上主義
1. (ideology of) ethnic supremacy; racial supremacism
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1. ethnic Chinese (living abroad, esp. with non-Chinese citizenship); overseas Chinese
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1. different race; different ethnic group; different peoples
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こっかみんぞくじむいいんかい 国家民族事務委員会
1. State Ethnic Affairs Commission (China)Organization name
Wikipedia definition
2. State Ethnic Affairs CommissionThe State Ethnic Affairs Commission is responsible for re... Read more
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Sentences — 16 found

  • jreibun/2462/1
    • しんしんえいがかんとく新進映画監督
    • はインタビューに答え、作品の
    • かぎ
    • となる少数民族の文化・風習を
    • えが描く
    • にあたっては専門家による検証が欠かせなかったと述べ、特に言語については「
    • とうだいずいいち当代随一
    • の言語学者より
    • ごきょうじご教示
    • いただいたことが大きかった」と
    • せいさくひわ制作秘話
    • を語った。
    In an interview, the up-and-coming film director said that when portraying the culture and customs of an ethnic minority which were key to his film, their verification by an expert was essential. She particularly mentioned that, as for their language, “the guidance we received from one of the foremost linguists of our time was valuable,” sharing a behind-the-scenes story. Jreibun
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