

Words — 33 found

Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
1. to assort; to classify; to journalize (in accounting); to journalise
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仕訳ける 【しわける】
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Noun, Noun, used as a suffix
1. class (of students)pronounced ぐみ as a suffix
  • かれ
  • その
  • くみ
  • 首席
He is at the head of the class.
Noun, Noun, used as a suffix, Counter
2. group (of people); party; team; crew
  • もう
  • ひと
  • くみ
  • かんこうきゃく観光客
  • とうちゃく到着
  • した
Another lot of tourists arrived.
Noun, Noun, used as a suffix
3. lot; bunch; set
Noun, Noun, used as a suffix
4. crime family; organized-crime syndicate
Noun, Noun, used as a suffix, Counter
5. set (of items); assortment; deck (of cards); pack
6. typesetting; compositionPrinting
Other forms
組み 【くみ】
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1. combination; assortment; set
2. matching (in a contest); pairing
3. combinationMathematics
Other forms
組合せ 【くみあわせ】組合わせ 【くみあわせ】組み合せ 【くみあわせ】
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1. an assortment; combination
Other forms
取合わせ 【とりあわせ】
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1. assortment; product lineup
Other forms
品ぞろえ 【しなぞろえ】
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. classification; sorting (out); grouping; assortment
Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
2. assortment journalizing (in bookkeeping)
Wikipedia definition
3. JournalA journal has several related meanings: a daily record of... Read more
Other forms
仕訳 【しわけ】仕分 【しわけ】
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1. assorted grains; cereals
2. milletSee also
Wikipedia definition
3. MilletThe millets are a group of small-seeded species of cereal... Read more
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1. combo (esp. a small jazz group)
2. combination; set; assortment
3. combo (set of actions performed in sequence)Video games
Wikipedia definition
4. Combo
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1. coloring; colouring; coloration; colouration
2. color scheme; colour scheme; coordination (of colour)
3. (touch of) colour; embellishment; brilliance; spice; glow; decoration; garnish
Other forms
色どり 【いろどり】色取り 【いろどり】
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. classification; assortment
  • かくとどうふけん各都道府県
  • の教育委員会のホームページには、小学校、中学校、高等学校など学校種別ごとの
  • がっこうすう学校数
  • せいとすう生徒数
  • などのデータが記載されている。
The website of each prefectural board of education provides data on the number of schools and students by school type, including elementary, junior high, and senior high schools.
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1. combination; assortment (of goods); assorted basket or box (e.g. of chocolates)
Other forms
詰合せ 【つめあわせ】詰合わせ 【つめあわせ】詰め合せ 【つめあわせ】
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1. various kinds of small trees; assorted trees
Other forms
雑木 【ざつぼく】雑木 【ぞうぼく】
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こまごま 細細
Noun or verb acting prenominally
1. sundry; various; assortedSee also 細細した こまごました
Other forms
細々とした 【こまごまとした】
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. assorted colors; assorted colours
Other forms
雑色 【ざっしき】雑色 【ぞうしき】
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1. assortment (of food); assorted dishes; combination platteroften ~の盛り合わせ
Other forms
盛合せ 【もりあわせ】盛り合せ 【もりあわせ】盛合わせ 【もりあわせ】
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さし 刺身盛
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Noun
1. plate of assorted sashimi; selection of sashimiSee also 盛り合わせ
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どくりつほうそく 独立法則
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Noun
1. (Mendel's) law of independent assortmentGenetics, See also メンデルの法則
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Kanji — 1 found

13 strokes.
mixed, abundant, assorted
On: トウ
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