

6 strokes
Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 2
JLPT level N4
19 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers


Stroke order

On reading compounds

  • 自 【ジ】 self-, from (a time or place)
  • 自営 【ジエイ】 running one's own business, doing business on one's own, self-employment
  • 出自 【シュツジ】 origin, birthplace, descent, lineage, ancestry, stock
  • 海自 【カイジ】 Maritime Self-Defense Force
  • 自然界 【シゼンカイ】 nature, the natural world, realm of nature
  • 自然 【シゼン】 nature, natural, spontaneous, automatic, naturally, spontaneously, automatically
  • 己がじし 【オノガジシ】 each (and every one), individually

Kun reading compounds

  • 自ら 【みずから】 oneself, oneself, for oneself, personally, in person
  • 自ら進んで 【みずからすすんで】 by choice, of one's own free will, on one's own initiative, off one's own bat
  • 自ずから 【おのずから】 naturally, in due course, by itself, of its own accord
  • 自ずから明らか 【おのずからあきらか】 self-evident
  • 自ずと 【おのずと】 naturally, in due course, by itself, of its own accord


Japanese names:
Mandarin Chinese (pinyin):


  • uno mismo
  • por sí mismo
  • auto-


  • a si próprio


  • soi-même
229 A Guide To Reading and Writing Japanese (Florence Sakade)
150 A Guide To Reading and Writing Japanese 3rd edition (Henshall, Seeley and De Groot)
134 A Guide To Remembering Japanese Characters (Kenneth G. Henshall)
53 A New Dictionary of Kanji Usage
3841 Classic Nelson (Andrew Nelson)
60 Essential Kanji (P.G. O’Neill)
242 Japanese Kanji Flashcards (Max Hodges and Tomoko Okazaki)
340 Japanese Names (P.G. O’Neill)
2.19 Japanese for Busy People
62 Kanji and Kana (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
62 Kanji and Kana, 2nd Edition (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
63 Kanji in Context (Nishiguchi and Kono)
1587 Kodansha Compact Kanji Guide
4338 Kodansha Kanji Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
2195 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
2954 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary, 2nd Edition (Jack Halpern)
36 Les Kanjis dans la tete (Yves Maniette)
30095 Morohashi
3525 New Japanese English Character Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
4900 New Nelson (John Haig)
36 Remembering The Kanji (James Heisig)
36 Remembering The Kanji, 6th edition (James Heisig)
14 The Kanji Way to Japanese Language Power (Dale Crowley)
126 Tuttle Kanji Cards (Alexander Kask)
879 2001 Kanji
5c1.1 The Kanji Dictionary
4-6-2 SKIP code
2600.0 Four corner code
1-28-11 JIS X 0208-1997 kuten code
81ea Unicode hex code

8 strokes
brush-stroke, picture
Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 2
JLPT level N4
199 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers


Stroke order

On reading compounds

  • 絵 【エ】 picture, drawing, painting, sketch, image (TV, film, etc.), picture, footage
  • 画家 【ガカ】 painter, artist
  • 洋画 【ヨウガ】 Western painting, Western film, Western movie
  • 邦画 【ホウガ】 Japanese film, Japanese painting
  • 画 【カク】 stroke (of a kanji)
  • 描く 【エガク】 to draw, to paint, to sketch, to depict, to describe, to picture in one's mind, to imagine, to form a certain shape (e.g. path of an action, appearance of an object, etc.)
  • 参画 【サンカク】 taking part (in planning), participation
  • 家族計画 【カゾクケイカク】 family planning
  • 絵 【エ】 picture, drawing, painting, sketch, image (TV, film, etc.), picture, footage
  • 描く 【エガク】 to draw, to paint, to sketch, to depict, to describe, to picture in one's mind, to imagine, to form a certain shape (e.g. path of an action, appearance of an object, etc.)
  • 似顔絵 【ニガオエ】 portrait, likeness, sketch (of a face)
  • 影絵 【カゲエ】 shadow picture, silhouette, shadowgraph

Kun reading compounds

  • 描く 【えがく】 to draw, to paint, to sketch, to depict, to describe, to picture in one's mind, to imagine, to form a certain shape (e.g. path of an action, appearance of an object, etc.)
  • 画する 【かくする】 to draw (a line), to demarcate, to mark, to divide, to map out, to plan


Mandarin Chinese (pinyin):
hwa, hoeg


  • dibujo
  • trazo
  • puntuar
  • interrumpir


  • gravura


  • trait de plume
  • dessin
  • écran
  • compteur de traits de kanji
167 A Guide To Reading and Writing Japanese (Florence Sakade)
91 A Guide To Reading and Writing Japanese 3rd edition (Henshall, Seeley and De Groot)
85 A Guide To Remembering Japanese Characters (Kenneth G. Henshall)
150 A New Dictionary of Kanji Usage
50 Classic Nelson (Andrew Nelson)
477 Essential Kanji (P.G. O’Neill)
222 Japanese Kanji Flashcards (Max Hodges and Tomoko Okazaki)
991 Japanese Names (P.G. O’Neill)
2.14 Japanese for Busy People
343 Kanji and Kana (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
343 Kanji and Kana, 2nd Edition (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
235 Kanji in Context (Nishiguchi and Kono)
176 Kodansha Compact Kanji Guide
3723 Kodansha Kanji Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
1904 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
2586 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary, 2nd Edition (Jack Halpern)
1178 Les Kanjis dans la tete (Yves Maniette)
21739P Morohashi
3000 New Japanese English Character Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
3733 New Nelson (John Haig)
1170 Remembering The Kanji (James Heisig)
1254 Remembering The Kanji, 6th edition (James Heisig)
176 The Kanji Way to Japanese Language Power (Dale Crowley)
155 Tuttle Kanji Cards (Alexander Kask)
3175 2001 Kanji
0a8.7 The Kanji Dictionary
3-2-6 SKIP code
1077.2 Four corner code
1-18-72 JIS X 0208-1997 kuten code
753b Unicode hex code