Words — 41 found
1. Mr; Mrs; Miss; MsHonorific or respectful (sonkeigo) language, after a person's name, position, etc.
- かのじょ彼女
- は
- おうじょ王女
- さま様
- になった
- ゆめをみ夢を見た 。
2. makes a word more polite (usu. in fixed expressions)Polite (teineigo) language, See also お粗末さまでした, usu. after a noun or na-adjective prefixed with お or ご
- どうも
- ご
- しんせつ親切
- さま 。
3. state; situation; appearance; manner
- フラフラと
- あるきまわ歩き回る
- さま様
- は 、
- あまりに
- デンジャラス
- だ 。
方 【さま】、状 【さま】
方: Rarely-used kanji form. 状: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. mess; sorry state; plight; sad sightDerogatory, Usually written using kana alone
2. -ways; -wardsindicates direction
3. in the act of ...; just as one is ...after the -masu stem of a verb
態 【ざま】、ザマ
1. Mr.; Mrs.; MissHonorific or respectful (sonkeigo) language, Familiar language, Children's language, See also 様 さま, after a person's name, position, etc.
1. state (of affairs); situation; circumstances
2. appearance; look(s); air; manner; behaviour; demeanor
3. sign; indication
容子 【ようす】
1. condition; state (of health); appearance
容態 【ようたい】、容体 【ようだい】、容体 【ようたい】、様体 【ようだい】、様体 【ようたい】
1. form; situation; condition
1. wait-and-see (situation, stance, etc.); waiting to see (how things play out); watching developments (before acting)
- じんせい人生
- は
- たび旅
- の
- ような
- もの
- だ 。
2. (I) think (that); (I) have a feeling (that)Usually written using kana alone, Colloquial, Abbreviation, See also ような気がする, at sentence end; short for ような気がする
3. feels like; feels similar to; feels as ifUsually written using kana alone, Colloquial, Abbreviation, at sentence end; short for ような感じ(がする)
1. to see to it that ...; to make sure that ...; to try to ...; to make an effort to ...Usually written using kana alone, after a verb
- ありがとう 。
- また 、
- つぎ次の
- ひ日
- に
- くる
- ようにします 。
1. to reach the point where ...; to come to ...; to come to be that ...; to start to ...; to begin to ...Usually written using kana alone, after a verb
- すぐ
- およ泳げる
- ようになります
- よ 。
1. like; asUsually written using kana alone
- トム
- は
- きがくる気が狂った
- ように
- はたら働いた 。
2. so that; in order that; so as to; in order toUsually written using kana alone
- みんな
- に
- き聞こえる
- ように
- もっと
- おお大きな
- こえ声
- で
- はな話し
- なさい 。
3. be sure toUsually written using kana alone, at sentence end
4. I hope (that); I pray (that); mayUsually written using kana alone, at sentence end after the -masu form of a verb
- ゆめ夢
- が
- すべて
- 叶います
- ように 。
1. I feel that ...; I feel as though ...; I have a feeling that ...; I have the impression that ...; I think that ...
- かれ彼 、
- さいきん最近 、
- わたし私
- に
- つめ冷たく
- なった
- ようなきような気がする 。
様な気がする 【ようなきがする】
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