
ZiS-2 57mm対戦車砲
Wikipedia definition
1. 57 mm anti-tank gun M1943 (ZiS-2)The ZiS-2 was a Soviet 57-mm anti-tank gun used during World War II. The ZiS-4 was a version of the gun meant to be installed in tanks. ZiS stands for Zavod imeni Stalina (Russian Завод имени Сталина, 'plant named after Stalin'), the official title of Artillery Factory No. 92, which constructed this gun first.
Read “57 mm anti-tank gun M1943 (ZiS-2)” on English Wikipedia
Read “ZiS-2 57mm対戦車砲” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “57 mm anti-tank gun M1943 (ZiS-2)” on DBpedia


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