1. Shogi strategy and tacticsShogi, or Japanese Chess, is similar to chess but has a much larger game tree complexity because of the use of drops. However, like chess, the game can be divided into the opening, middle game and endgame, each requiring a different strategy. The opening consists of arranging one's defenses and positioning for attack, the mid game consists of attempting to break through the opposing defenses while maintaining one's own, and the end game starts when one side's defenses have been compromised.
Read “Shogi strategy and tactics” on English Wikipedia
Read “将棋の戦法一覧” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Shogi strategy and tactics” on DBpedia
Read “Shogi strategy and tactics” on English Wikipedia
Read “将棋の戦法一覧” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Shogi strategy and tactics” on DBpedia
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