Common word JLPT N5 Wanikani level 12 Play audio Show 12 collocations Links
- 言葉をかける - to speak to
- 言葉をもじる - to make a pun on a word
- 言葉を交える - to exchange words
- 言葉を交わす - to exchange words
- 言葉を濁す - to be evasive
- 言葉を継ぐ - to continue (to say)
- 言葉に甘える - to accept an offer
- 言葉に窮する - to be at a loss for words
- 言葉に詰まる - to be at a loss for words
- 開会の辞 - opening address
- 神の言葉 - Word of God
- 閉会の辞 - closing address
- 「
- ことば言葉
- の
- いちめん一面
- は 、
- でんたつ伝達
- しようとする
- いし意志
- である 」
- と
- かれ彼
- は
- い言う 。
2. word; phrase; expression; term
- ことば言葉
- が
- で出て
- こなかった 。
3. speech; (manner of) speaking; (use of) language
- らんぼう乱暴な
- ことば言葉
- を
- つか使って
- は
- いけない 。
4. words; remark; statement; comment
5. learning to speak; language acquisition
6. Ci (poetry)Ci is a kind of lyric Classical Chinese poetry using a set of poetic meters derived from a base of certain patterns of fixed-rhythm, fixed-tone, variable line-length formal types, or model examples, which were originally based on musical song tunes. For speakers of English, the word "ci" is pronounced somewhat like "tsuh". It is also known as Changduanju (長短句/长短句 "lines of irregular lengths") and Shiyu (詩餘/诗馀 "that which is beside poetry").
Read “Ci (poetry)” on English Wikipedia
Read “詞” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Ci (poetry)” on DBpedia
Read “Ci (poetry)” on English Wikipedia
Read “詞” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Ci (poetry)” on DBpedia
詞 【ことば】、辞 【ことば】、言葉 【けとば】
詞: Rarely-used kanji form. 辞: Rarely-used kanji form. けとば: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage.
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