
1. unidentified craft said to have washed ashore in Ibaraki Prefecture during the Edo period (sometimes alleged to have been a UFO)
Wikipedia definition
2. Utsuro-bune, also Utsuro-fune and Urobune, is the term for a mysterious object that is said to have washed ashore in 1803 on the northern coast of Japan. The legend is told in a book called Hyōryū kishū (漂流紀集, ‘diary and stories of the castaways’), composed during the Edo period. Modern UFO-believers consider the legend of the Utsuro-bune to be the earliest credible document of a close encounter of third kind phenomenon.
Read “Utsuro-bune” on English Wikipedia
Read “虚舟” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Utsuro-bune” on DBpedia


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