1. reef; sunken rock
- ゆにゅう輸入
- わりあ割り当て
- りょう量
- について
- の
- たこくかん多国間
- ぼうえき貿易
- こうしょう交渉
- は
- あんしょう暗礁
- に
- のりあ乗り上げて
- しまいました 。
3. ReefIn nautical terminology, a reef is a rock, sandbar, or other feature lying beneath the surface of the water (six fathoms or less beneath low water). Many reefs result from abiotic processes—deposition of sand, wave erosion planning down rock outcrops, and other natural processes—but the best-known reefs are the coral reefs of tropical waters developed through biotic processes dominated by corals and calcareous algae.
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