
にほんじどうしゃこうぎょうかい 日本自動車工業会
1. Japan Automobile Manufacturers AssociationOrganization name
2. Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association
Wikipedia definition
3. Japan Automobile Manufacturers AssociationJapan Automobile Manufacturers Association, or JAMA, is a trade association with its headquarters in Tokyo, Japan. It was founded in April 1967 and serves as a platform for the automakers of Japan to share technological developments and management practices. There are currently 14 member companies, manufacturing not only cars, but trucks and motorcycles as well. The organization also deals with the manufacturing and distribution of vehicle parts around the world.
Read “Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association” on English Wikipedia
Read “日本自動車工業会” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association” on DBpedia


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