1. the public; the street (e.g. "word on the street")
- ちまた
- で
- は
- インターネット
- なる
- もの
- が
- はやっています 。
2. street; district; quarters
3. location (e.g. of a battle); scene (e.g. of carnage)
4. divide (e.g. between life and death)
5. fork (in a road); crossroadsorig. meaning
6. Qi (Five Dynasties)Qi was a Chinese kingdom during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period in China. The kingdom, at its prime, covered parts of modern-day Gansu, Shaanxi, and Sichuan provinces, but eventually shrank to only the immediate area around its capital Fengxiang in Shaanxi. Its only ruler was Li Maozhen, who later submitted to Later Tang Dynasty.
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Read “岐” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Qi (Five Dynasties)” on DBpedia
Read “Qi (Five Dynasties)” on English Wikipedia
Read “岐” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Qi (Five Dynasties)” on DBpedia
岐 【ちまた】、衢 【ちまた】
岐: Out-dated kanji or kanji usage. 衢: Out-dated kanji or kanji usage.
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