1. pronounGrammar
- かんけいだいめいし関係代名詞
- は 「
- せつぞくし接続詞 +
- だいめいし代名詞 」
- の
- はたらき
- を
- しています 。
2. synonym; classic example; pattern; byword; representative
- 「クレオパトラ」
- は
- びじん美人
- の
- だいめいし代名詞
- になっている 。
3. PronounIn linguistics and grammar, a pronoun is a pro-form that substitutes for a noun, such as, in English, the words it (substituting for the name of a certain object) and she (substituting for the female name of a person). The replaced noun is called the antecedent of the pronoun. For example, consider the sentence "Lisa gave the coat to Phil. " All three nouns in the sentence can be replaced by pronouns: "She gave it to him.
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