
きょうていしょ 京都議定書
1. Kyoto Protocol
Wikipedia definition
2. Kyoto ProtocolDark grey = Annex I Parties who have agreed to reduce their GHG emissions below their individual base year levels (see definition in this article) Grey = Annex I Parties who have agreed to cap their GHG emissions at their base year levels Pale grey = Non-Annex I Parties who are not obligated by caps or Annex I Parties with an emissions cap that allows their emissions to expand above their base year levels or Countries that have not ratified the Kyoto Protocol For specific emission reduction commitments of Annex I Parties, see the section of the article on 2012 emission targets and "flexible mechanisms".
Read “Kyoto Protocol” on English Wikipedia
Read “京都議定書” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Kyoto Protocol” on DBpedia


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