
もく 亜目
1. Hystricomorpha (suborder of rodents)
Wikipedia definition
2. HystricomorphaThe term Hystricomorpha (from Latin hystrix "porcupine" and Greek μορφή, morphē "form") has had many definitions throughout its history. In the broadest sense it refers to any rodent with a hystricomorphous zygomasseteric system. This includes the Hystricognathi, Ctenodactylidae, Anomaluridae, and Pedetidae. Molecular and morphological results suggest that the inclusion of the Anomaluridae and Pedetidae in Hystricomorpha may be suspect.
Read “Hystricomorpha” on English Wikipedia
Read “ヤマアラシ亜目” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Hystricomorpha” on DBpedia
Other forms
山荒亜目 【やまあらしあもく】


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