1. Markov chain Monte Carlo methods; MCMC methodsComputing
- この
- ソフトウエア
- は
- ギブスサンプリング
- の
- アルゴリズム
- により
- マルコフれんさモンテカルロほうマルコフ連鎖モンテカルロ法
- の
- けいさん計算
- を
- おこな行います 。
2. Markov chain Monte CarloMarkov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods (which include random walk Monte Carlo methods) are a class of algorithms for sampling from probability distributions based on constructing a Markov chain that has the desired distribution as its equilibrium distribution. The state of the chain after a large number of steps is then used as a sample of the desired distribution. The quality of the sample improves as a function of the number of steps.
Read “Markov chain Monte Carlo” on English Wikipedia
Read “マルコフ連鎖モンテカルロ法” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Markov chain Monte Carlo” on DBpedia
Read “Markov chain Monte Carlo” on English Wikipedia
Read “マルコフ連鎖モンテカルロ法” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Markov chain Monte Carlo” on DBpedia
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