

Words — 31 found

1. Hagakure (treatise on bushido as told to Tashiro Tsuramoto by Yamamoto Tsunetomo, 1716)Work of art, literature, music, etc. name
2. Hagakure (treatise on bushido as told to Tashiro Tsuramoto by Yamamoto Tsunetomo, 1716)
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3. HagakureHagakure, or Hagakure Kikigaki is a practical and spiritu... Read more
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1. Tract for Destroying Heretical Views (Buddhist treatise by Myoe, ca. 1212 CE)Work of art, literature, music, etc. name
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1. Mirror Held to the Flower (1424 treatise on noh theater, written by Zeami); KakyōWork of art, literature, music, etc. name
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花鏡 【はなのかがみ】
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せいかいほうこく 星界報告
1. Sidereus Nuncius (treatise by Galileo Galilei; 1610)Work of art, literature, music, etc. name
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2. Sidereus NunciusSidereus Nuncius (usually translated into English as Side... Read more
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1. A Study of Good (1911 philosophical treatise by Kitarō Nishida)Work of art, literature, music, etc. name
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2. An Inquiry into the GoodAn Inquiry into the Good (Japanese: 善の研究, Zen no kenkyū) ... Read more
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1. Gukanshō (1220 historical treatise by Jien); A Selection of the Opinions of a FoolWork of art, literature, music, etc. name
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2. Gukanshōis a historical and literary work about the history of Ja... Read more
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1. The Book of Five Rings (martial arts treatise by Miyamoto Musashi, 1643)Work of art, literature, music, etc. name
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2. The Book of Five RingsThe Book of Five Rings is a text on kenjutsu and the mart... Read more
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じんのうしょうとうき 神皇正統記
1. Jinno Shotoki (Succession of Imperial Rulers in Japan, historical treatise by Kitabatake Chikafusa, 1339)Work of art, literature, music, etc. name
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2. Jinnō ShōtōkiJinnō Shōtōki.
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1. Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (physical science treatise by Sir Isaac Newton, 1687)From Latin
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1. A Treatise of Human NatureA Treatise of Human Nature is a book by Scottish philosop... Read more
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1. Two Treatises of GovernmentThe Two Treatises of Government is a work of political ph... Read more
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