

Words — 3 found

1. frame story; frame narrative; frame tale
Wikipedia definition
2. Frame storyA frame story (also frame tale, frame narrative, etc. ) i... Read more
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1. fabrication; made-up story; sham; hoax; put-up job; frame-up; trumped-up charge
Other forms
捏ち上げ 【でっちあげ】
捏ち上げ: Rarely-used kanji form.
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Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
1. to fabricate; to invent; to make up (a story); to cook up; to trump up (a charge); to concoct
  • じっさい実際
  • かれ
  • には
  • うそ
  • でっちあでっち上げる
  • くせ
  • ある
The truth is he has a habit of inventing lies.
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
2. to cobble together; to put together (in a slapdash manner)
Other forms
捏ち上げる 【でっちあげる】
捏ち上げる: Rarely-used kanji form.
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