

Searched for にんげん. You can also try a search for "ningen".

Words — 71 found

1. human being; human; person; man; mankind; humankind
  • どんなに
  • ざいさん財産
  • あって
  • どんよく貪欲な
  • にんげん人間
  • まんぞく満足
  • できない
  • せかいじゅう世界中
  • ざいほう財宝
  • あつ集めて
  • こうふく幸福
  • には
  • なれない
No amount of wealth can satisfy a covetous man. All the treasure in the world won't make him happy.
2. character (of a person)
Wikipedia definition
3. HumanHumans (known taxonomically as Homo sapiens, Latin for "w... Read more
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1. human relations; personal relationships
Wikipedia definition
2. Interpersonal relationshipAn interpersonal relationship is an association between t... Read more
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Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
1. human; human-like; as a person
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Noun, Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
1. misanthropy; misanthropist
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1. living national treasure
Wikipedia definition
2. Living National Treasures of JapanLiving National Treasures of Japan is a Japanese popular ... Read more
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1. ergonomics; human factors; human engineering
Wikipedia definition
2. ErgonomicsErgonomics is the study of designing equipment and device... Read more
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1. philosophical anthropology; humanics
Wikipedia definition
2. Philosophical anthropologyPhilosophical anthropology, sometimes called anthropologi... Read more
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にんげんどうぶつえん 人間動物園
1. human zoo
Wikipedia definition
2. Human zooHuman zoos (also called ethnological expositions or Negro... Read more
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にんげんちゅうしんしゅ 人間中心主義
1. anthropocentrism
Wikipedia definition
2. AnthropocentrismAnthropocentrism describes an analysis from the perspecti... Read more
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1. Declaration of Humanity (wherein Hirohito renounced the imperial claim to divinity; January 1, 1946)Historical term
Wikipedia definition
2. Humanity Declarationis an imperial rescript issued by the Emperor Shōwa (Hiro... Read more
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にんげん 人間
1. comprehensive medical check-up; thorough physical examination
Wikipedia definition
2. General medical examinationIn medicine, the (annual) general medical examination is ... Read more
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1. human science
Wikipedia definition
2. Human scienceHuman science is the study and interpretation of the expe... Read more
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Names — 1 found

にんげんろん 【人間論】
Unclassified name
1. An Essay on Man (poem by Alexander Pope)