

Sentences — 272 found

  • jreibun/4436/1
    My elementary school son always does his homework in the living room, not in his room. He says he prefers the living room because he can immediately ask me a question when he doesn’t understand something. Jreibun
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  • jreibun/4436/2
    • じかい次回
    • までに
    • たいさくあん対策案
    • 練って
    • きます。」と言って会議を終えた。
    When the discussion remained inconclusive, the chief director said, “Let this be my homework. I will come up with a plan of action before the next meeting,” and ended the meeting. Jreibun
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  • jreibun/8298/1
    • ひま
    • だ。
    I have finished all my summer homework and have no plans to go out. I have nothing to do, so I have time to spare. Jreibun
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  • jreibun/8317/4
    • びょう
    • で終わった。
    Today's homework was easy, so I finished it right away. Jreibun
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  • jreibun/9094/1
    • ていしょくや定食屋さん
    • は、どのメニューも安くてボリュームたっぷりで、
    • おひるお昼どき
    • はいつも
    • まんせき満席
    • で、
    • そと
    • ぎょうれつ行列
    • ができている。
    A diner, whose every menu item is inexpensive and plentiful, which has recently opened near my office, is always full at lunchtime, with a long queue of people waiting outside. Jreibun
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  • jreibun/9094/2
    I was listening to music and doing homework when I received a phone call, so I turned down the volume and answered the phone. Jreibun
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  • 141616
    • せんせい先生
    • わたし私たち
    • しゅくだい宿題
    • 出した
    The teacher gave us homework. Tatoeba
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  • 141620
    • せんせい先生
    • わたし私たち
    • たくさん
    • しゅくだい宿題
    • 出した
    The teacher gave us a lot of homework. Tatoeba
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  • 143563
    • すうがく数学
    • しゅくだい宿題
    • よそう予想
    • していた
    • よりも
    • かんたん簡単
    • だった
    The math homework was easier than I had expected. Tatoeba
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  • 143564
    • すうがく数学
    • しゅくだい宿題
    • おも思ってた
    • よりも
    • かんたん
    • だった
    The math homework proved to be easier than I had expected. Tatoeba
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  • 147841
    • しゅくだい宿題
    • ていしゅつ提出
    • なさい
    Turn in your homework. Tatoeba
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  • 147861
    • しゅくだい宿題
    • やり
    • なさい
    Do your homework. Tatoeba
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  • 147840
    • しゅくだい宿題
    • わす忘れた
    • とは
    • きみ
    • ふちゅうい不注意
    • だった
    It was careless of you to forget your homework. Tatoeba
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  • 147844
    • しゅくだい宿題
    • ぜんぶ全部
    • やって
    • しまった
    • ので
    • すこ少し
    • やすみ
    • たい
    I have done all of my homework and I'd like to take a short break. Tatoeba
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  • 147845
    • しゅくだい宿題
    • たす助けて
    • くれて
    • かんしゃ感謝
    • しています
    I'm thankful to you for your helping me with my homework. Tatoeba
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  • 147846
    • しゅくだい宿題
    • 終わらせ
    • なきゃならない
    • んだ
    I must get my homework finished. Tatoeba
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  • 147847
    • しゅくだい宿題
    • 終える
    • のに
    • じかん時間
    • かかった
    It took me three hours to finish the homework. Tatoeba
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  • 147851
    • しゅくだい宿題
    • 終えたら
    • 出かけます
    I will go out after I finish my homework. Tatoeba
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  • 147853
    • しゅくだい宿題
    • てつだ手伝って
    • くれて
    • ありがとうございます
    It is very nice of you to help me with my homework. Tatoeba
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  • 147854
    • しゅくだい宿題
    • てつだ手伝って
    • くださって
    • どうもありがとう
    It was very nice of you to help me with my homework. Tatoeba
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