

Words — 4 found

1. common sense; good sense; common knowledge; general knowledge; common practice; accepted practice; social etiquette
Wikipedia definition
2. Common senseCommon sense is defined by Merriam-Webster as, "sound and... Read more
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1. common sense; general knowledge; common knowledgeSee also 常識
  • いっぱんじょうしき一般常識
  • 持っています
Does he have general common sense?
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Wikipedia definition
1. Society for the Diffusion of Christian and General Knowledge Among the ChineseThe Society for the Diffusion of Christian and General Kn... Read more
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Sentences — 3 found

  • jreibun/4583/2
    • ひと
    • が減っているが、新聞を読めば、時事問題や国際問題など一般常識を
    • につけられる。
    Even though the number of people who read newspapers is in decline, they are still an excellent way for people to gain general knowledge and learn about current events and international affairs. Jreibun
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