

Words — 7 found

1. wholesaler; manufacturer
2. capitalist; financier; investor
Other forms
元方 【もとかた】
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いっこくせい 一国二制度
1. one country, two systems (Chinese policy allowing for areas such as Hong Kong to maintain their own economic and administrative systems)
Wikipedia definition
2. One country, two systems"One country, two systems" is an idea originally proposed... Read more
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1. capital and labor; capital and labour; capitalists and laborers; capitalists and labourers
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Sentences — 1 found

  • jreibun/4428/3
    • しほんしゅぎ資本主義
    • くに
    • では、個人が自由に
    • とち土地
    • しきん資金
    • などの
    • しほん資本
    • を持つことができ、その
    • しほん資本
    • もと
    • に自由に経済活動ができる。
    In capitalist countries, individuals are free to own land, funds, and other capital, and they are free to engage in economic activities based on that capital. Jreibun
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