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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Godan verb with 'ru' ending
1. to tread on thin ice; to go out on a limb; to walk a tightrope; to take risks; to cross a dangerous bridgeIdiomatic expression
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あぶない橋を渡る 【あぶないはしをわたる】
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Godan verb with 'su' ending
1. to oil (e.g. chains, hinges, etc.)See also 油を引く
Other forms
油を差す 【あぶらをさす】
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Godan verb with 'ru' ending
1. to loaf (particularly on the job); to idle one's time away; to dawdle
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Godan verb with 'ru' ending
1. to chew out; to reprimand severely; to rake over the coals; to give a sound scolding; to tell someone off; to scold; to rebuke; to press oilIdiomatic expression
  • こってり
  • あいつ
  • あぶらをしぼ油を絞って
  • やった
I gave him a stern talking to.
Other forms
油を搾る 【あぶらをしぼる】油をしぼる 【あぶらをしぼる】
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1. oil palm (esp. the African oil palm, Elaeis guineensis)Usually written using kana alone
Wikipedia definition
2. Oil palmThe oil palms (Elaeis) comprise two species of the Arecac... Read more
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1. aphid; plant louseUsually written using kana alone
2. cockroachKansai dialect, See also ゴキブリ
3. Japanese house bat (Pipistrellus abramus)Rare term, See also 油蝙蝠
4. hanger-on; parasite
5. visitor to a red-light district who's only there to lookArchaic
Wikipedia definition
6. AphidAphids, also known as plant lice and in Britain and the C... Read more
Other forms
あぶら虫 【あぶらむし】蚜虫 【あぶらむし】アブラムシ
蚜虫: Out-dated kanji or kanji usage.
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1. skilfish (Erilepis zonifer); skilUsually written using kana alone
Wikipedia definition
2. SkilfishThe skilfish, Erilepis zonifer, is one of two members of ... Read more
Other forms
油坊主 【あぶらぼうず】アブラボウズ
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1. blotting sheet (as a cosmetic aid for removing oils and make up); blotting paper; oil absorbing sheet; oil absorbing paper
Wikipedia definition
2. Aburatorigamiis a traditional Japanese facial oil blotting paper. The ... Read more
Other forms
油取り紙 【あぶらとりがみ】脂取り紙 【あぶらとりがみ】
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1. spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias)Usually written using kana alone
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2. Spiny dogfishThe spiny dogfish, spurdog, mud shark, or piked dogfish, ... Read more
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Ichidan verb
1. to run out of oil; to need lubrication
  • この
  • じてんしゃ自転車
  • あぶらがきれ油が切れている
This bicycle needs oiling.
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Ichidan verb
2. to run out of energy; to lose steamIdiomatic expression
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1. blue king crab (Paralithodes platypus)Usually written using kana alone
2. striped shore crab (Pachygrapsus crassipes)See also 岩蟹
Wikipedia definition
3. Paralithodes platypusThe blue king crab, Paralithodes platypus, is a species o... Read more
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1. Japanese pipistrelle (Pipistrellus abramus); Japanese house batUsually written using kana alone
Wikipedia definition
2. Japanese House BatThe Japanese House Bat (Pipistrellus abramus), also calle... Read more
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1. escolar (Lepidocybium flavobrunneum); snake mackerelUsually written using kana alone
Wikipedia definition
2. EscolarThe escolar, Lepidocybium flavobrunneum, a species of fis... Read more
Other forms
油底鯥 【あぶらそこむつ】アブラソコムツ
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1. large brown cicada (Graptopsaltria nigrofuscata); aburazemiUsually written using kana alone
Wikipedia definition
2. Graptopsaltria nigrofuscataThe large brown cicada is a species of cicada in the genu... Read more
Other forms
鳴蜩 【あぶらぜみ】アブラゼミ
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がたえいかん 型護衛艦
1. Abukuma class destroyer escort
Wikipedia definition
2. Abukuma class destroyer escortThe Abukuma class destroyer escort (or frigate) is the ge... Read more
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1. Japanese tungoil tree (Vernicia cordata)Usually written using kana alone
Wikipedia definition
2. VerniciaThe genus Vernicia, commonly referred to as Tung or Tung-... Read more
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1. stirrup
Wikipedia definition
2. StirrupA stirrup is a light frame or ring that holds the foot of... Read more
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1. absintheFrom French
Wikipedia definition
2. AbsintheAbsinthe is historically described as a distilled, highly... Read more
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1. (as used in Northern Japan) greenlingUsually written using kana alone, See also 鮎魚女
2. (as used in Kochi and surrounds) medaka ricefishSee also 目高
3. Aburako
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Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun
1. possibility of danger
Other forms
危気 【あぶなげ】
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