Words — 185 found
1. talking politics; discussion of a law case
1. to give advice; to counsel; to take part in a consultation
相談にのる 【そうだんにのる】
1. it's no joke; gimme a break!
- じょうだん冗談じゃない
- よ 。
- あのひとあの人
- は
- わたし私
- どうよう同様
- いしゃ医者
- なんか
- じゃない
- よ 。
1. Qingtan (Taoist-related movement in ancient China)Historical term
2. noble, refined, eloquent speech
1. important talk
1. gossip; chatter
1. strong protest; demand for an explanation; serious talk
1. collection of stories
1. discussion about money; loan request
1. discussions on art and painting
1. common talk; worldly conversation
1. rumour; rumor; gossip