

Words — 211 found

1. cashier; treasurer; teller
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出納係 【すいとうがかり】
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1. last look; farewell look
Other forms
見収め 【みおさめ】
見収め: Rarely-used kanji form.
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しゅようのうにゅうさき 主要納入先
1. key customers; key customer; major clients; major client
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1. satisfied face; face of someone who is satisfied (with an explanation, etc.); look of understanding
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たいのうしょぶん 滞納処分費
1. collection fee; disposition fee for payment in arrears
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. sheathing a sword; returning a sword to its scabbardMartial arts, See also 抜刀
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. acceptance; reception
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Nidan verb (lower class) with 'mu' ending (archaic), Transitive verb
1. to dedicate; to make an offering; to pay (fees)Archaic
Nidan verb (lower class) with 'mu' ending (archaic), Transitive verb
2. to supplyArchaic
Nidan verb (lower class) with 'mu' ending (archaic), Transitive verb
3. to storeArchaic
Nidan verb (lower class) with 'mu' ending (archaic), Transitive verb
4. to finish; to bring to a closeArchaic
Nidan verb (lower class) with 'mu' ending (archaic), Transitive verb
5. to restore (something to its place)Archaic
Nidan verb (lower class) with 'mu' ending (archaic), Transitive verb
6. to achieve (e.g. a result)Archaic
Other forms
納む 【おさむ】
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1. year-end office closing (usu. Dec. 28)See also 御用始め
Other forms
ご用納め 【ごようおさめ】
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1. last business day of the year (usu. December 28)
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