Words — 1 found
1. to become stormy; to become rough (of the sea)
- うみ海
- は
- ますます
- あ荒れて
- きた 。
2. to fall into ruin; to become neglected; to become dilapidated
- むら村
- へ
- の
- どうろ道路
- は
- とても
- あ荒れています 。
3. to become rough (of skin); to get chapped
- くちびる唇
- が
- あ荒れています 。
4. to become unruly; to become violent; to go wild; to get out of control
- なるほど
- かれ彼
- は
- ごうそっきゅう剛速球
- とうしゅ投手
- だ
- が 、
- よく
- あ荒れる 。
5. to become unsettled (e.g. of one's life); to become disordered