Sentences — 138 found
- ひと人 が再就職を望む時、
- ぎょうせい行政 にはそれを支援する
- しく仕組み をぜひ
- ととの整えて もらいたい。
When people who have terminated employment, owing to childcare or nursing care reasons, wish to become re-employed, we would like the government to have a system in place to support them. — Jreibun -
- ゆうじん友人 と飲み過ぎて帰りの終電を
- のが逃して しまい、公園のベンチで
- よ夜 を
- あ明かし 、
- よくじつ翌日 の始発で
- きろ帰路 に
- つ就いた 。
On the weekend, I had too much to drink with my college friends and missed the last train home, so I spent the night on a park bench and took the first train home the next day. — Jreibun -
- あね姉 が
- いちねん1年ぶり に
- じっか実家 に帰って来ると、
- かみ髪 にパーマをかけ、流行の服を着て、ずいぶんと
- あかぬ垢抜けて いた。
My older sister, who had moved away from home and found employment in the city, came back to our parents’ house for the first time in a year. She was much more sophisticated than before, with permed hair and trendy clothes. — Jreibun -
- きかい機会 にがんばるしかない。
I failed the employment exam, but there is no point in crying now; I will just have to do my best next time. — Jreibun -
- もとせんぱい元先輩 にいろいろと相談し、参考になるアドバイスをたくさんもらった。
When I was seeking employment, I consulted with some people who used to belong to the same club as I and were ahead of me in college, and received a lot of helpful advice. — Jreibun -
- もちもの持ち物 や態度、
- はなしかた話し方 についてもよく研究している。
To make as good an impression as possible in an interview, students often pay attention to their belongings, attitude, and speaking style while job hunting. — Jreibun -
- つ就いて いた
- じんぶつ人物 が
- きりょく気力 ・
- たいりょく体力 の限界を理由に政界を引退することを表明した。
A man who once held a key government position announced his retirement from politics, citing limitations based on energy and physical strength. — Jreibun -
- のうりんぎょぎょう農林漁業 の
- じゅうじしゃ従事者 は
- せんきゅうひゃくごじゅうねん1950年 には就業者全体の
- ごじゅっパーセント/ごじっパーセント50%
- ちか近く を占めていたが、高度経済成長期に
- おおはば大幅に 減少し、
- にせんじゅうねん2010年 には
- やくよんパーセント約4% となった。
The number of people engaged in agriculture, forestry, and fisheries in Japan was almost 50% of all workers in the 1950s, but this figure significantly declined during Japan’s period of rapid economic growth, falling to about 4% in 2010. — Jreibun -
- きろ岐路 がある。高校生にとって
- そつぎょうご卒業後 どうするかは人生の
- きろ岐路 の
- ひと一つ だろう。
There are many crossroads in life, such as finding a job and getting married. For high school students, what to do after graduation is probably one of the first crossroads they encounter in their lives. — Jreibun -
- ひか控え 、就職活動
- けいけんしゃ経験者 の
- あに兄 に面接で
- こころえ心得て おくべき
- ふるま振る舞い やマナーについて教えてもらった。
While preparing for an upcoming interview at a company I really wanted to work for, I asked my older brother, who has experience in job hunting, for his advice regarding the behavior and manners I should adopt during the interview. — Jreibun -
- にねんご2年後 、つまり
- さらいねん再来年 には、彼女と結婚したいと考えている。
I have a girlfriend whom I have been dating since we were students. I just landed my first job and have no savings, so I cannot marry her now. However, I am hoping and planning to marry her in two years time—the year after next year. — Jreibun -
- しゅうしんこようせい終身雇用制 により、
- ていねん定年 まで同じ会社で働くことが
- いっぱんてき一般的 だったが、最近は就職して
- すうねん数年 で
- てんしょく転職する
- わかもの若者 も増えた。
In the past, it was common in Japan to work for the same company until retirement, due to the lifetime employment system, but recently, an increasing number of young people are changing jobs after only a few years of employment. — Jreibun -
- わがしゃ我が社 の
- げんしゃちょう現社長 は、
- じょうむ常務 、
- せんむ専務 を
- へ経て 、
- にねんまえ2年前 に
- しゃちょう社長 に
- しゅうにん就任した 。
Our current president was appointed two years ago after serving as executive director and managing director. — Jreibun -
- しゅうしかてい修士課程 で
- びせいぶつ微生物 について研究している娘は、
- しゅうしかてい修士課程 を
- しゅうりょう修了 した
- あと後 、
- はくしかてい博士課程 に進学するか、就職するか悩んでいる。研究はおもしろいが、
- はくしかてい博士課程 に進んだら就職が難しくなる可能性があるからだ。
My daughter, who is studying microorganisms in a master’s program at graduate school, is wondering whether she should move on to a doctoral program or find a job after attaining her master’s degree. She is interested in research, but she is concerned that it may be difficult to find a job if she completes a doctorate. — Jreibun -
In Japan, spring is the season of new beginnings, such as entering university or finding employment. — Jreibun -
- しゅうしょく就職する ときは、その会社の
- ろうどうじょうけん労働条件 をしっかり
- たし確かめて から決めたほうがいい。
When you formalize an employment contract, you should doublecheck the company’s working conditions before making your decision. — Jreibun -
- そうごうしょうしゃ総合商社 に就職した
- ゆうじん友人 は、何年か
- こくない国内 で働いたら、
- そのあとその後
- かなら必ず
- かいがいてんきん海外転勤 があると言っていた。
A friend of mine who jot a job with a general trading company said that, after working in Japan for a few years, he would surely then be transferred to the overseas office. — Jreibun -
- あら新た に就任した大統領は就任演説で「
- せいじせいめい政治生命 をかけて国と国民を守る」と表明した。
In her inaugural speech, the new President announced that she would “put her political life on the line to protect the country and its people.” — Jreibun -
- とうだいがく当大学 の卒業生の
- しゅうしょくさき就職先 を
- せんこうぶんやべつ専攻分野別 に見ると、理科系の学生の
- たいはん大半 が
- アイティーけいIT系 の
- きぎょう企業 に就職している。
Looking at the employment destinations of our university’s graduates by major, the majority of students who majored in science have found employment at IT-related companies. — Jreibun -
- げんざい現在
- しゅうしょくかつどうちゅう就職活動中 で
- じゅっしゃ/じっしゃ10社 に
- おうぼ応募した が、
- すべ全て
- しょるいせんこう書類選考 で落ちた。
I am currently looking for a job and have applied to 10 companies, but I was rejected by all of them during the application process. — Jreibun