

Words — 11 found

1. route map (for buses, trains, etc.)
Wikipedia definition
2. Transit mapA transit map is a topological map in the form of a schem... Read more
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1. route (bus, train, air, etc.); line
  • ろせん路線
  • ちず地図
  • もらえます
May I have a bus route map?
2. line (taken by a group, organization, etc.); policy; course
  • だいとうりょう大統領
  • きょうこう強硬
  • ろせん路線
  • とった
The President took a hard line.
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1. roadside land prices; price of land adjoining a major road, used to calculate inheritance and gift taxes
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Noun, Suru verb
1. change in a bus route
Noun, Suru verb
2. change in policy; policy change (reversal)
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1. bus on a regular route; fixed-route bus; transit bus
Wikipedia definition
2. Transit busA transit bus (US), also known as a commuter bus, city bu... Read more
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せん 路線沿
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. along the route (line)
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Wikipedia definition
1. Rossetti
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Wikipedia definition
1. Rosendo MendizabalRosendo Mendizabal (April 21, 1868 – June 30, 1913) was b... Read more
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Wikipedia definition
1. Rosendo ÁlvarezRosendo José Álvarez Hernández (born May 6, 1970 in Manag... Read more
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Sentences — 3 found

  • 74193
    • あんな
    • もの
    • なげお投げ下ろせば
    • うんわる運悪く
    • 当たった
    • ひと
    • ケガ
    • する
    If you throw something like that down, if someone's unlucky enough to be hit they'll be injured. Tatoeba
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Names — 22 found

ろせい 【芦青】
Given name, gender not specified
1. Rosei
ろせい 【蕗青】
Given name, gender not specified
1. Rosei
ろせい 【露生】
Unclassified name
1. Rosei
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