Words — 62 found
1. screwUsually written using kana alone
- この
- きかい機械
- は
- いちじかん1時間
- に
- せん千
- こ個
- の
- ねじ
- を
- せいぞう製造
- する 。
2. key (of a clock, watch, etc.); springUsually written using kana alone
螺子 【ねじ】、捻子 【ねじ】、捩子 【ねじ】、螺旋 【ねじ】
ねじ: Gikun (meaning as reading) or jukujikun (special kanji reading). 螺子: Rarely-used kanji form. ねじ: Gikun (meaning as reading) or jukujikun (special kanji reading). 捻子: Rarely-used kanji form. ねじ: Gikun (meaning as reading) or jukujikun (special kanji reading). 捩子: Rarely-used kanji form. ねじ: Gikun (meaning as reading) or jukujikun (special kanji reading). 螺旋: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. to get twisted; to get crooked; to get warpedUsually written using kana alone
2. to become twisted (of a mind, relationship, etc.); to become warped; to become perverse; to become contraryUsually written using kana alone
3. to become troubled; to become complicated; to become strainedUsually written using kana alone
捻れる 【ねじれる】、拗れる 【ねじれる】、捻じれる 【ねじれる】、捩じれる 【ねじれる】
1. to twist; to screw; to wrenchUsually written using kana alone
- その
- とって取っ手
- を
- みぎ右
- に
- ねじる
- と
- はこ箱
- は
- あ開きます 。
2. to sprainUsually written using kana alone
捻る 【ねじる】、拗る 【ねじる】
拗る: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. stronghold; citadel
2. base (of operations); headquarters
1. to screw in
2. to thrust into; to push into; to shove into; to squeeze in (e.g. a meeting)
3. to protest (and seek rectification); to complain
捻じ込む 【ねじこむ】、捩じ込む 【ねじこむ】
捩じ込む: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. to twist (e.g. someone's arm); to wrench
- かれ彼
- は
- わたし私の
- うで腕
- を
- ねじりあねじり上げた 。
捩じり上げる 【ねじりあげる】、捻じり上げる 【ねじりあげる】
捩じり上げる: Rarely-used kanji form. 捻じり上げる: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. Chinese spiranthis (Spiranthes sinensis var. amoena)Usually written using kana alone
ねじ花 【ねじばな】、ネジバナ
1. pounding down earth around the roots of a tree
2. adding short branches of flowers to the base of an arrangement in ikebana
1. to twist
捩じ向ける 【ねじむける】、捻じ向ける 【ねじむける】、捩向ける 【ねじむける】、捻向ける 【ねじむける】
捩向ける: Irregular okurigana usage. 捻向ける: Irregular okurigana usage.
1. to bend by twisting; to twist; to contort
2. to distort (e.g. the truth); to twist (e.g. someone's words)
捻じ曲げる 【ねじまげる】、捩じ曲げる 【ねじまげる】
捩じ曲げる: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. to curve; to twistUsually written using kana alone
2. to be contrary; to be uncooperative; to be rebelliousUsually written using kana alone
拗じくれる 【ねじくれる】、捻じくれる 【ねじくれる】
1. screw type; screw-on; threaded