
Wikipedia definition
1. RPG-43The RPG-43 (for ruchnaya protivotankovaya granata meaning hand-held anti-tank grenade) was a high explosive anti-tank (HEAT) hand grenade used by the Soviet Union during the Second World War. It entered service in 1943, replacing the earlier model RPG-40. The RPG-43 used a shaped charge HEAT warhead, whereas the RPG-40 used the simpler HE (High Explosive) warhead. The RPG-43 had a penetration of around 75 mm of RHA at a 90 degree angle. Later in the war, it was improved to become the RPG-6.
Read “RPG-43” on English Wikipedia
Read “RPG-43手榴弾” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “RPG-43” on DBpedia


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