
M-60 107mm野砲
Wikipedia definition
1. 107 mm divisional gun M1940 (M-60)The 107 mm divisional gun M1940 (M-60) (Russian: 107-мм дивизионная пушка образца 1940 года) was a Soviet artillery piece, developed in the late 1930s in order to provide Soviet divisional artillery with a powerful field and anti-tank gun. The weapon entered production in 1940, but soon after the outbreak of the German-Soviet War, production ceased; only a limited number of pieces were built. These guns saw service in the Red Army during the war.
Read “107 mm divisional gun M1940 (M-60)” on English Wikipedia
Read “M-60 107mm野砲” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “107 mm divisional gun M1940 (M-60)” on DBpedia


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