
1. mapo tofu (spicy Sichuan dish of tofu and minced meat); mabo tofuFood, cooking, From Chinese “mápó dòufu”
Wikipedia definition
2. Mapo doufuMápó dòufu, or mápó tòfu, is a popular Chinese dish from the Sichuan (Szechuan) province, and probably the best known Chinese dishes in western world. It is a combination of tofu (bean curd) set in a spicy chili- and bean-based sauce, typically a thin, oily, and bright red suspension, and often cooked with fermented black beans and minced meat, usually pork or beef.
Read “Mapo doufu” on English Wikipedia
Read “麻婆豆腐” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Mapo doufu” on DBpedia
Other forms
マーボー豆腐 【マーボーどうふ】麻婆豆腐 【マーボどうふ】マーボ豆腐 【マーボどうふ】マーボードーフ


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