
1. snowplow; snowplough; snow blowerSee also 除雪車
Wikipedia definition
2. Snow blowerA snow blower or snow thrower is a machine for removing snow from an area where it is not wanted, such as a driveway, sidewalk, roadway, railroad track, rink, runway, or houses. The term "snow thrower" is often used to encompass snow throwers and snow blowers, however, in proper a snow thrower is a machine that uses a single stage to remove or "throw" snow while a snowblower uses two stages to remove or "blow" snow.
Read “Snow blower” on English Wikipedia
Read “雪かき車” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Snow blower” on DBpedia
Other forms
雪掻き車 【ゆきかきしゃ】雪掻車 【ゆきかきしゃ】


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