2. ClawA claw is a curved, pointed appendage, found at the end of a toe or finger in most amniotes. However, the word "claw" is also often used in reference to an invertebrate. Somewhat similar fine hooked structures are found in arthropods such as beetles and spiders, at the end of the leg or tarsus for gripping a surface as the creature walks. Crabs' and lobsters' pincers, or more formally, their "chelae", are sometimes called claws. A claw is made of hard protein called keratin.
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鉤爪 【かぎつめ】、かぎ爪 【かぎづめ】、かぎ爪 【かぎつめ】、鈎爪 【かぎづめ】、鈎爪 【かぎつめ】、カギ爪 【カギづめ】
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