あかたん 赤短 LinksSentence search for 赤短Sentence search for あかたんSentence search for 赤たんSentence search for 赤丹Sentence search for 赤冊Sentence search for 赤タンSentence search for あかタンKanji details for 赤 and 短Edit in JMdict Noun1. 5-point card with a red tanzaku; red ribbon cardHanafuda, See also 短冊Noun2. the three 5-point cards with ribbons (high-scoring meld)HanafudaOther forms赤たん 【あかたん】、赤丹 【あかたん】、赤冊 【あかたん】、赤タン 【あかタン】 Discussions Log in to talk about this word.