
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
1. to shorten; to reduce; to condense; to shrink
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
2. to crumple (fabric); to wrinkle
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
3. to make (one's body) smaller; to draw in (one's legs); to duck (one's head)
  • もう猛スピード
  • で走り始めた。みるみるうちに
  • まえ
  • の走者との
  • ちぢ縮める
  • と、
  • いっき一気に
  • さんにん3人
  • を抜いてトップに
  • おどりで躍り出た
The final relay runner received the baton and started to run fast. He quickly closed the gap between himself and the front runners and overtook three athletes to take the lead.


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