
1. dancing girl (end of the Heian period)Archaic
2. prostitute
3. tempo in gagakuSee also 雅楽 ががく
Wikipedia definition
4. Shirabyōshiwere female dancers, prominent in the Japanese Imperial Court, who performed traditional Japanese dances (the dances themselves also called shirabyōshi) dressed as men. The profession of shirabyōshi developed in the 12th century. They would perform for nobles and high-ranking samurai, and at celebrations. They are sometimes referred to as courtesans in the English language, but that term refers to a high-class prostitute, so this is rather incorrect. By nature they were performers.
Read “Shirabyōshi” on English Wikipedia
Read “白拍子” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Shirabyōshi” on DBpedia
Other forms
素拍子 【しらびょうし】


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