
Noun, Noun, used as a suffix
1. pillow; bolster
Noun, Noun, used as a suffix
2. introduction (e.g. to a rakugo story); lead-in
Wikipedia definition
3. PillowA pillow is a large cushion support for the head or other parts of the body, usually used while sleeping in a bed, or for the body as used on a couch or chair. A pillow can be a cloth case stuffed with down, feathers, or foam rubber. There are also throw pillows (also called toss pillows), which are pillows that are purely decorative and not designed for support or comfort. A cushion is a soft bag filled with air or padding like feathers or foam rubber.
Read “Pillow” on English Wikipedia
Read “枕” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Pillow” on DBpedia


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