おく 屋 LinksSentence search for 屋Sentence search for おくKanji details for 屋Edit in JMdict Noun1. house; buildingSee also 屋 やさあ、みんなでた食べほうだい放題の焼き肉おく屋さんにい行こうよ。Let's all go to an all-you-can-eat Yakiniku restaurant.Noun2. roofSee also 屋根 やね, See also 屋 やぶんぽう文法おく屋にき聞きたいんですが、「be+ぶんし分詞」はV Cなどのようにかんが考えることはできないんですか?I'd like to ask a grammarian, isn't it possible to think of 'be + participle' like you do V C and such? Discussions Log in to talk about this word.