
1. Parapoxvirus (genus of large oval shaped DNA-based viruses)
Wikipedia definition
2. ParapoxvirusParapoxviruses belong to the Poxviridae family. Like all members of that family, they are oval, relatively large, double-stranded DNA viruses. Parapoxviruses have a unique spiral coat that distinguishes them from other poxviruses. Parapoxviruses infect vertebrates. Not all parapoxviruses are zoonotic. Notable zoonotic hosts of parapoxviruses include sheep, goats, and cattle. The most recent species of parapoxviruses has been found in New Zealand Red Deer.
Read “Parapoxvirus” on English Wikipedia
Read “パラポックスウイルス属” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Parapoxvirus” on DBpedia


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