
むらぎゃくさつけん 村虐殺事件
1. My Lai Massacre (1968); Son My MassacreHistorical term
Wikipedia definition
2. My Lai MassacreThe My Lai Massacre was the Vietnam War mass murder of between 347 and 504 unarmed civilians in South Vietnam on March 16, 1968, by United States Army soldiers of "Charlie" Company of 1st Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment, 11th Brigade of the Americal Division. Most of the victims were women, children, infants, and elderly people. Some of the bodies were later found to be mutilated and many women allegedly raped prior to the killings.
Read “My Lai Massacre” on English Wikipedia
Read “ソンミ村虐殺事件” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “My Lai Massacre” on DBpedia


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