
だん 団子
1. skewered rice dumplings in a sweet soy glaze
Wikipedia definition
2. Mitarashi dangois a type of dango skewered onto sticks in groups of 3–5 (traditionally 5) and covered with a sweet soy sauce glaze. It is characterized by its glassy glaze and burnt fragrance. Mitarashi dango originates from the Kamo Mitarashi Tea House in the Shimogamo area of Sakyo ward of Kyoto, Japan. Mitarashi dango is said to be named after the bubbles of the mitarashi (purifying water placed at the entrance of a shrine) of the Shimogamo shrine nearby.
Read “Mitarashi dango” on English Wikipedia
Read “みたらし団子” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Mitarashi dango” on DBpedia
Other forms
御手洗団子 【みたらしだんご】


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