

Words — 636 found

Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no', Noun
1. European-style; Western; Occidental
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1. typeface
2. style of handwriting; calligraphic style
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3. TypefaceIn typography, a typeface is a set of characters that sha... Read more
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1. style of shrine architecture based on that of Ise Jingu
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2. Shinmei-zukuriShinmei-zukuri is an ancient Japanese architectural style... Read more
Other forms
神明造り 【しんめいづくり】
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1. style of Southern Chinese painting
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2. Southern School
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1. butoh; style of contemporary Japanese dance featuring dancers in white paint
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2. Butohis the collective name for a diverse range of activities,... Read more
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1. style of Shinto architecture in which the main hall and worship hall share one roof, and are connected via an intermediate passageway
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2. Ishi-no-ma-zukuri, also called gongen-zukuri, yatsumune-zukuri and miyader... Read more
Other forms
権現造 【ごんげんづくり】
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1. written language; literary languageSee also 口語
2. classical (or formal) written style based on Heian-period JapaneseSee also 口語
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3. Literary languageA literary language is a register of a language that is u... Read more
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Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no', Suffix
1. period style
  • その
  • アパート
  • ビクトリア
  • ちょうふう朝風
  • かぐ家具
  • そろ揃えて
  • あった
The apartment was furnished in the Victorian style.
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1. semi-cursive style (of writing Chinese characters); running styleSee also 行書
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2. Semi-cursive scriptSemi-cursive script is a cursive style of Chinese charact... Read more
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1. expedition style (mountaineering); siege style
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2. Expedition styleExpedition style (or "siege" style) refers to mountaineer... Read more
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. (traditional) Japanese style
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2. WayōWayō is the name given to a style developed in art and ar... Read more
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1. schooner style ship built at the end of the Shogunate
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2. Russian schooner HedaHeda (ヘダ号) was a schooner built by the Russian sailors of... Read more
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1. narrative style of Bon dance song from eastern Osaka (often with improvised lyrics)
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2. Kawachi ondoKawachi Ondo (河内音頭) is a kind of Japanese folk song that ... Read more
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. Akihabara style; nerdySlang
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2. Akiba-keiAkiba-kei or Akiba-chan is a Japanese slang term similar ... Read more
Other forms
アキバ系 【アキバけい】
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1. traditional style of Japanese residential architecture
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2. Shoin-zukuriis a style of Japanese residential architecture used in t... Read more
Other forms
書院造 【しょいんづくり】
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1. square (block) style of printed typefaceSee also 楷書
Wikipedia definition
2. Regular scriptRegular script, also called 正楷, 真書 (zhēnshū), 楷体 (kǎitǐ) ... Read more
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