

Words — 50 found

Noun, Noun, used as a suffix
1. sign; indication; trace; touch; feeling
  • かのじょ彼女
  • かざい家財
  • ない
  • あお青い
  • ドレス
  • 着ていた
She wore a plain blue dress.
Noun, used as a prefix
2. somehow; for some reason; seeming to be
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Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
1. seemingly good; (of) good appearance; looking goodColloquial, Usually written using kana alone, See also 気 げ, See also 良さそう
  • とにかく
  • よさげな
  • こと
  • ため試して
  • みよう
  • おも思っている
  • とこ
  • です
In any case, now I'm considering trying out some likely things.
Other forms
良さ気 【よさげ】善さげ 【よさげ】善さ気 【よさげ】
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I-adjective (keiyoushi)
1. (something) like that; that sort of; resembling
I-adjective (keiyoushi)
2. seemingly authentic; genuine-looking; realistic; convincing
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1. leaping flames; flying sparks
Noun, Suru verb
2. spread of fire (due to leaping flames)
Noun, Suru verb
3. repercussions in unanticipated areas; spilling over; effects of an incident spreading to those seemingly uninvolved
4. impetigo contagiosaColloquial, Usually written using kana alone, See also 膿痂疹, See also 膿疱疹
Other forms
飛火 【とびひ】
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1. ornamental garden stone (placed to give a natural appearance); garden rock
2. sacrificed stoneGo (game), See also 捨て駒
3. sacrifice (of oneself, one's career, etc.)usu. as 〜に/となる
4. stones used in a foundation; riprap
Other forms
捨石 【すていし】棄て石 【すていし】棄石 【すていし】
棄石: Irregular okurigana usage.
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1. seemingly good but ultimately stupid ideaJocular, humorous term, See also 名案, pun on 名案
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Noun, Adverb (fukushi)
1. somehow; somewhat; seeminglySee also 心なしか, usu. as 心なしか
Other forms
心成し 【こころなし】心做し 【こころなし】
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), I-Adjective (keiyoushi) - yoi/ii class
1. nice-looking; seemingly fine; nice-sounding; polite-sounding; plausible (e.g. excuse); glib
Other forms
体の良い 【ていのいい】体の良い 【ていのよい】体のよい 【ていのよい】
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Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
1. plausible (but untrue); credible (e.g. lie); specious; seemingly truthfulUsually written using kana alone
Other forms
真しやか 【まことしやか】誠しやか 【まことしやか】
真しやか: Rarely-used kanji form. 誠しやか: Rarely-used kanji form.
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. somehow; somewhat; seemingly
Other forms
心成しか 【こころなしか】心做しか 【こころなしか】
心成しか: Rarely-used kanji form. 心做しか: Rarely-used kanji form.
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