Words — 41 found
1. recess; break time; break between classes; free period; recess time; recreation hour; time for recess
1. mobile home; camper-van; RVWasei, word made in Japan, From English “camping car”. Wasei (word made in Japan)
1. recreational vehicle (usu. not camper or motor home); RV; sports utility vehicle; SUV; four wheel drive (car or minivan)
- さらに
- また 、
- アールブイしゃRV車
- に
- の乗って
- アメリカ
- じゅう中
- を
- ひたすら
- たび旅
- して 、
- それ
- まで
- いそが忙し
- すぎて
- みる
- こと
- の
- できなかった
- ちいき地域
- を
- みてまわ見て回る
- もの者
- も
- いる 。
アールブイ車 【アールブイしゃ】
1. recreational vehicle; RV; sports utility vehicle; SUV
3. reentry vehicle
4. Revised Version; RV
1. recreational diving; no decompression stop diving; diving at depths which do not exceed 40 meters or 130 feet
1. doing recreational activities alone; enjoying solo activities
1. Recreation and Amusement AssociationThe Recreation and Amusement Association (RAA), or more l... Read more
レクリエーション・グラウンド (オールダーショット)
1. Recreation Ground (Aldershot)Football has been played at The Recreation Ground in Alde... Read more
レクリエーション・グラウンド (ホワイトヘヴン)
1. Recreation Ground (Whitehaven)The Recreation Ground (known locally as the 'Recre') is a... Read more
レクリエーション・パーク (フィラデルフィア)
1. Recreation Park (Philadelphia)Recreation Park was a baseball park in Philadelphia. 32x2... Read more
レクリエーション・パーク (ピッツバーグ)
1. Recreation Park (Pittsburgh)Recreation Park, originally known as Union Park, was a st... Read more