

Words — 2 found

1. although; despite; even though; and yet
  • ちい小さい
  • おうち
  • みすぼらしく
  • 見える
  • ようになって
  • しまいました
  • ・・・
  • まだまだ
  • もと
  • とお通り
  • しっかりと
  • している
  • のに
The small house had come to look shabby, though it was just as good as ever underneath.
2. whereas; while
3. if only; I wish
  • わか若かったら
  • よかった
  • のに
If only I was younger.
4. in order to
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1. correspondence theory (theory that a proposition is true if and only if it corresponds to the facts)See also 整合説
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Sentences — 9 found

  • jreibun/58/1
    • たいさ大差
    • で負けたのなら
    • あきら諦め
    • もつくが、
    • せりあ競り合った
    • すえ
    • わずか
    • いってんさ1点差
    • で負けたとなると、
    • くや悔しくて
    • どうしても
    • あきら諦め
    • がつかない。
    If I had played a game against an opponent and had lost by a large margin, I would have given up. However, because I lost by only one point, I am too frustrated to give up. Jreibun
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