

Words — 2 found

1. forgetting one's serious objectives by becoming engrossed in trivial pursuits; being distracted by trivial objects and losing sight of one's original goalYojijukugo (four character compound)
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Sentences — 1 found

  • 195822
    • マーケティング
    • ぶんかかい分科会
    • 、1998
    • ねん
    • もくひょう目標
    • ほうこう方向
    • 決める
    • ために
    • フォンコンファレンス
    • おこな行う
    • こと
    • おしお知らせ
    • します
    For your information, the marketing subcommittee is scheduling a phone conference to establish objectives and directions for 1998. Tatoeba
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