

Words — 1621 found

1. customer at a brothel; john; someone who has forgotten the eight virtuesSee also 八徳
2. brothel; owner of a brothel
Other forms
忘八 【ぼうはち】
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ごんべえ 名無権兵衛
1. John Doe; Mr. NobodyColloquial, Jocular, humorous term
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2. John DoeThe names "John Doe" for males and "Jane Doe" or "Jane Ro... Read more
Other forms
名なしの権兵衛 【ななしのごんべえ】
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1. ordinary person; run-of-the-mill people; John Doe; Jane Doe
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1. John Dory (Zeus faber)Usually written using kana alone
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2. John DoryJohn Dory, also known as St Pierre or Peter's Fish, refer... Read more
Other forms
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1. John Doe; person of unknown nameSee also 名無しの権兵衛
2. country bumpkinArchaic, Derogatory
Other forms
権兵衛 【ごんべい】
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1. John Bull; prototypical Englishman
Full name
2. John Bull
Wikipedia definition
3. John BullJohn Bull is a national personification of Britain in gen... Read more
Other forms
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ふくいんしょ 福音書
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Noun
1. the Gospel according to John (book of the Bible)
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2. Gospel of JohnThe Gospel According to John (Greek τὸ κατὰ Ἰωάννην εὐαγγ... Read more
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1. letter breaking off relations; Dear John letter
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がみいち 手紙一
1. First Epistle of John (book of the Bible)
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2. First Epistle of JohnThe First Epistle of John, often referred to as First Joh... Read more
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がみ 手紙二
1. Second Epistle of John (book of the Bible)
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2. Second Epistle of JohnThe Second Epistle of John, often referred to as Second J... Read more
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がみさん 手紙三
1. Third Epistle of John (book of the Bible)
Wikipedia definition
2. Third Epistle of JohnThe Third Epistle of John, often referred to as Third Joh... Read more
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だいとうりょうあんさつけん 大統領暗殺事件
1. assassination of US President John F. Kennedy (November 22, 1963); JFK assassinationHistorical term
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2. Assassination of John F. KennedyJohn Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th President of the United... Read more
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1. John TravoltaAbbreviation
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1. letter breaking off with someone; Dear John letter
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1. Imagine - John Lennon (film)Work of art, literature, music, etc. name
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もくろく 黙示録
1. the Revelation of St. John the Divine (book of the Bible)Christianity, See also 黙示録
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あんさつ 暗殺
1. assassination of US President John F. Kennedy (November 22, 1963); JFK assassinationHistorical term
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Sentences — 446 found

  • jreibun/9001/1
    • じゅうきゅうせいきまつ19世紀末
    • に、
    • つうやく通訳
    • として
    • かつやく活躍した
    • ジョンまんじろうジョン万次郎
    • せんはっぴゃくにじゅうななねん1827年
    • -
    • せんはっぴゃくきゅうじゅうはちねん1898年
    • )は、
    • もと
    • りょうし漁師
    • だったが、
    • りょう
    • に出た
    • さい
    • そうなん遭難し
    • ひょうりゅう漂流して
    • いるところをアメリカの
    • ほげいせん捕鯨船
    • きゅうじょ救助された
    • 。これが
    • そのごその後
    • ジョンまんじろうジョン万次郎
    • じんせい人生
    • おお大きく
    • 変える
    • こととなった。
    At the end of the 19th century, John Manjirō (1827-1898), a Japanese fisherman who later served as an English-Japanese interpreter, was thrown into the sea from a sinking ship during a fishing expedition and was later rescued by an American whaling ship. This incident completely transformed the course of John Manjirō’s life. Jreibun
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Names — 161 found

Full name
1. Evans; Arthur Evans; Sir Arthur John Evans
Full name
1. Evans; Arthur Evans; Sir Arthur John Evans
Unclassified name
1. Imagine - John Lennon (film)
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